三河屋老板:一边看一边焦虑,各种觉得生活无意义,人人都有病,但是,又觉得统统是真实,然后各种沉重。全剧终。Everyone is fucked up, seriously.
石榴姐: this movie in like five sittings because true-to-real-life adaptions sometimes fall short of the thrill, especially when it plays up the anxiety and suspense. It's a small story emblematic of a whole generation's struggle. But it still comes down to the basic: what it means to be free, and does the capitalist west necessarily provide that?
痴心妄想小螂君:资料馆二刷,年初撸了《法扎》就想重看来着,年根得偿所愿~没用Mozart作片名而是用中间名Amadeus,取的是“上帝的宠儿”之意(Means "love of God", derived from Latin amare "to love" and Deus "God". )闪回侧写的传记结构,全面展现地才对天才的憧憬、嫉妒、怨怼、迫害,以及一个理想主义者的高傲、困厄、恐惧和覆灭。今年正好也看了低俗性喜剧开山作《动物屋》,汤姆·休斯克在里面演个迷糊沙雕naive青年,选角演莫扎特除去天才一面,性格方面还真是和《动物屋》角色一脉相承(一个嬉皮异端)。另外知道波兰斯基也演过莫扎特传的舞台剧,他的那张脸脑补重合上去了,别有一番风味。‖混演艺圈有个经纪人夺重要!多管齐下赶项目,疯狂催稿要人命啊!