霹雳劫之末世录是由黄文择执导,黄文择口白主演的一部港台动漫。主要讲述了:阇城血印既破,黑暗力量现世,灭绝希望的世界即将成真,有谁能改变未来? 叶口月人入侵苦境,造成无数的生灵涂炭,傲笑红尘率众抵抗,两军交战的过程中,造成双方严重的伤亡。虽然叶口之祸弥平,但是黑暗中的
深夜拳王: much as I love the 2nd season of "Atlanta", I just don't think Earn as a continued developing character. He's just the same confused guy that is looked down upon by almost everybody. But then I suppose this is also about the city Atlanta, which I'm now completely in love with.
神乐: fog, sad frog, a bottle of sprite, i-d style, oneohtrix point never's score and iggy pop's voice, good taste, good time #SIFF20#