护心是由何澍培,程箓,曾晓禹执导,侯明昊,周也,王以纶,陈欣予,左叶,关智斌主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:该剧改编自九鹭非香的同名小说,二十年前,天曜(侯明昊 饰)被心爱之人广寒门门主素影抽筋剥骨,并以五行之力封印于四方。机缘巧合之中,天曜于十年前逃出封印,他感知一山村湖水中封印着他的龙骨,便隐藏在小村庄
我不喝脑白金: noir as black gets. Stanwyck makes a stunning performance as the femme fatale who bends a man's mind and twists his heart. Even the experienced, cynical insurance salesman (McMurray) cannot evade her irresistible spell. Carefully planning a near-perfect murder is one thing, following through "straight down the line" is another, especially as tension & pressure skyrocket, while confidence in your shady accomplice erodes over time. The relationship between the MC and the other secondary characters is well fleshed out, in particular with the claims director (Robinson), a sharp and impetuous force of nature who cares more than he shows. Was the dame truly changed in the end? Hard to decide.
阿凡达看电影:世界观设定还算完善,CULT FEEL加唯美写实的情色以及现阶段久违的直男直女观会让人享受其中。