- 01期上2022032
- 01期下2022032
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- 入职篇20220612
- 入职篇上20220319
- 入职篇下20220320
😘爱生活: this like the wildest dream of mine? study him from afar, maintain the illusion of normalcy, i could barely contain my excitement. wish for the day coming like we couldnt keep our hands off each other, but ive gotta tell u, the fantasy ive been having in my dreams is nothing sensual/ 3exual at all, so pure so platonic, the fact it nearly broke me like, i was attracted to u basically driven of 3ex in the first place wasnt i? n all the f tim e afterwards, am i angry at myself for being not that wanting u or.. idk anymore, can i filming u come? can i make u come, isnt this a massive thing in ur boys world like, cum1n, am i crazy? i dont want to spend the rest my life without ur comforting
hi_天:同样感到莫大的击中和迷失,久久的晕眩和回味 但无法对你们说的婚姻/男主的欺骗本质有一丝共鸣 因为我也曾有过溘然死去的前任 是的现在可以说了 没齿不忘≠放纵 而是没能说好再见的结束永难结束 命运的巨痛 即便有解也不会归零 而是反复的结和解 时间不断许诺下一场"唯一" 又实质上否定了"唯一" 这就是生命的残酷 打结终归成死结 解开又等于丢弃 我无意细较编剧 我只想说 我老依然相信爱情 不相信的可以去滚 但不要在这里冒充高深